Thursday, 29 April 2010

It's been one week.... detox day 7

Wow! I feel like Rocky's theme music should be following me around wherever I go. I've made it to the one-week mark in one piece, though my sanity is in question.

Today proved to be the ultimate test. I'm not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to head into a little boutique shop that sells everything & anything to do with the art of espresso making. I know. Insane, right? Riiiiiiight. But we needed to buy an espresso maker for our branch's give-away. We've put together a contest & the grand prize is a Saeco Via Veneto machine, a Cuisinart stainless steel grinder, a set of espresso cups & a big ol' bag o' coffee beans. It was my idea.... In fact, I would highly recommend you apply for an HSBC Mastercard with NO annual fee & a plethora of perks (like my pitch?) to be able to enter a ballot for the prize. Ehm...anyway, this was my idea prior to starting my cleanse. I should have known that the proprietor would have offered me a cup. The scent seemed to be pumped through the shop - kind of like Cinnabons in the mall. I was in agony. But I survived.

Breakfast: 2 rice cakes topped w/ almond butter & banana
Lunch: brown rice pasta w/ tomato sauce (leftover from last night)
Snack: berry apple sauce
Snack 2: peppers, carrots & hummus
Dinner: Chicken, potato & salad
Mini snack: a handful of grapes & a few almonds

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