Here's a summary of a great article by Mary K. Nolan that was published in today's Hamilton Spectator:
Some moms and dads may question the wisdom of allowing their kids to mingle at Halloween parties or go door-to-door when the flu virus is already getting around quite effectively on its own.
Germy doorbells and communal candy bowls seem like ideal vehicles for helping it along.
Here's some advice:
* When kids come to the door, don't let them fish around in the candy bowl for their goodies, drop treats in the kids' bags individually.
* Wash store-bought masks before allowing kids to wear them. You never know who has tried them on ... or what germs they had.
* Homeowners should wipe down their doorbell, knocker or knobs throughout the evening; kids should wear gloves with their costumes, use hand sanitizer between homes and keep their hands away from their faces.
* Sick children should stay home no matter how much they beg; sick parents shouldn't hand out treats.
* Don't eat any candy that isn't wrapped, for more reasons than H1N1.
* No bobbing for apples, if anybody actually does that anymore.
* And no "a bite for you, a bite for me" sharing of candies.
* When they get home, kids should decide what they want to eat, unwrap it without touching the edible part, wash their hands and then dig in.
* Wash hands.
* Wash hands.
* Wash hands.
Have a happy & healthy Halloween.
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