'Tis the season, I suppose. With my daughter having started JK this year, I expected the odd virus, but not to this degree! Yes, many a parent had warned me that the first year was filled with plenty of trips to the pediatrician and I half expected it. This, however, is bordering on the ridiculous!
Last week, we recovered from a nasty bout of stomach flu. We didn't take it too well in light of all the media coverage about the listeriosis outbreak. We wracked out brains trying to figure out if we had unsuspectingly eaten something that might have been contaminated. Well, some things you just can't avoid.
Croup, on the other hand, is a whole other story. As I write this while lying next to my two-year-old son, I am seething with anger. I know exactly where he & my daughter contracted their croup...from my daughter's kindergarten class. Yup, from a boy who shall remain nameless. His mother, however...well, if it were up to me, I'd publish her name, number & address for her violation of the unspoken responsible-parenting rule.
I met up with "that woman" on Thursday as we were picking up our children from school & she mentioned that her three children were all battling croup - INCLUDING HER SON WHO HAPPENED TO BE IN MY DAUGHTER'S CLASSROOM!!! But she figured he was active, so sending him to school wasn't a big deal. Hmph! It's a bloody big deal to me! I'm running between both children's rooms to ensure they're breathing okay - running hot showers to steam up the bathroom - dressing up at 3am to get some cool night air - anything but resting. Gah! Her ignorance is appalling!!!
As a result of Mrs. Germspreader's disregard for her son's peers, it turns out we'll be missing my parents' 45th wedding anniversary celebration tomorrow. My nieces & nephews will be present & the last thing I want to do is be responsible for having my children spread their croup-bugs around.
So please please please do not send your children to school if they are ill. I won't begrudge you if you send them off with a runny nose but croup is not okay. It really isn't something you should knowingly spread around.
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