It's that time of year again! Time to battle the crowds, wait in endless line-ups, pay five dollars for a bottle of water, and try darn hard to scrub Scooby Doo off my hand before heading in to work the next day. Yes, my friends, Wonderland is officially open for business.
I love love love Wonderland. I've been through those gates countless times, and yet, I still get a rush when I get past security & into the park. Perhaps it's just the amusement park atmosphere in general...or the mere fact that, when all's said & done, I'm a big kid at heart.
Only one thing thew me off on our latest visit. And let this be a lesson to anyone who reads this: There are times when the right thing to do is offer to pay for drycleaning. Here's an example of when you should do this:
Hubby, kids & I were waiting in line for the Taxi Jam ride (a roller-coaster for kiddies...but soooo much fun for adults too!). As often happens in long line-ups, we developed a camraderie with our fellow riders. Niceties were exchanged along with a few laughs....and then IT happened. At first, I didn't know what that splattering sound was, but once the shrieks of disgust followed, I soon realized that a young child had lost his lunch...ALL OVER THREE PEOPLE IN LINE. Yes, eeew! Double-ewwww. The eeewiest thing about it, however, is that fact that the parents of the upchucker didn't even have the decency to turn to the victims of splatter to apologize. Huh?!?!! Apologize, for crying out loud! One lady had to remove her sweater - totally unwearable - and probably had to cut her trip short. It was, afterall, a chilly night. I suggested she visit a giftshop to purchase a hoodie. But don't you think it would have been nice of the parents of the child to offer a ten or a twenty for cleaning or to put toward purchasing a sweater? Okay, granted not everyone can just throw twenties around. Understood. But, at the very least, turn these innocent bystanders & offer a sincere apology. Ugh! That behaviour, more than the regurgitation-fest, was the most disgusting part of the whole incident.
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