The news upset me this morning. Just yesterday, I hopped on the TTC to get to a meeting downtown. You'd think I might have been able to foresee today's crushing strike just by looking at the driver's face. I'm trying to think back to how he smiled at me when I asked for a transfer. Was it a sincere "here you go" kinda smile? Or was it more a "you don't know what's gonna hit your tomorrow" smile? Hmmm...I'm not sure.
I'm not a regular rider. I live in York Region, so if I'm going to be taking public transit, it'll be a VIVA Bus. TTC is wanting to make sure that they're the highest paid transit facility. One of their biggest beefs is that Mississauga transit pays more. SO GO WORK FOR MISSISSAUGA TRANSIT...GET OFF YER BUTTS & GET BACK TO WORK!!! Sorry, lost my cool for a second. But I'm mad! Take some of the $2.75 I had to use for fare & divide it amongst yourselves & shut up about it already! That's right...it's nearly three dollars to ride the rocket nowadays. Bah!
I'm angry because this affects my grandfather in a most crippling way. He'll be 94 years old this May. One of the things that keeps him young is getting on the TTC Mondays through Saturdays & heading down to the St. Clair area to meet up with his pals for some bocce & card games. He doesn't drive & has relied on public transportation all his life. Guess he's out of luck...along with the rest of the city!
One thing's for sure: In the midst of this transit crisis, I sure am glad I live & work in York Region.
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