Wednesday, 26 September 2007

What happened?!?!

I've barely got a moment to get a cup of tea & make my way back to the classroom while trying to avoid stepping a goose-poop... Then I spot them - a gaggle of geese waiting to attack me (or perhaps they just wanted my All Bran bar!). What has become of my life?!?

I'll tell you what's become of it: I've joined the ranks of many women; I am, once again, a working mom. Yay me...I think.

This is my first week, so it's almost trivial for me to say that I'm overwhelmed. That's the understatement of the year! In between sorting my children out from babysitting care of their "nonna" (God bless our moms!), getting laundry done, making enough chili to freeze for two years, baking zucchini bread (to munch on when I'm super-stressed), and trying to fit in some cardio (yeah right!), I barely recognize the life that was once mine.

So true when people tell you to cherish every moment. I'm missing it now - those days when I felt like I'd need a wig due to all the hair-pulling I was inflicting on myself - how I wish I had them back. I tell myself, however, that I will get back to that in a short while. See, I'm only full-time during a three-week training, after which I will work only three days per week. This is a luxury that makes me truly grateful.

On a side-note, my daughter really pulled through for me with our potty-training dilemma. I wanted to get her going in order to ease things for the grandmas who are kindly taking over kiddie-duty while mommy's at work (I know, I am extremely lucky & I know it!!!). I failed to realize that I needed to go easy on my baby... But she was the bigger person between the two of us, and she gave mommy a huge back-to-work present. Thanks Cheech! Mommy's proud... Now back to studying for my training-test tomorrow (yikes!)...


Anonymous said...

Well, I can't alleviate the stress of being a working mom, but I might be able to get rid of your goose problem. Have you looked into any goose control products from Bird-X?

Steph said...

Fortunately, the geese have decided to migrate south. Perhaps some Bird-X will be in order once the weather becomes more agreeable. Thanks for the tip!